There are several ways that you can donate to Spirit West United Church
- 1. send a cheque made out to "Spirit West United Church" to our address (7003 - 199 st NW, Edmonton AB T5T 6H8)
- 2. eTransfer. The contact name for the eTransfer is Spirit West United Church, and the email address is [email protected] . You must include a security question with your eTransfer - please make the answer easy to guess or notify the church office by phone or email of the answer.
- 3. donate on-line through "ATBCares" - just follow this link:
- Enter "Spirit West United Church" in the "Choose your cause" field
- You will get a list of charities from which to choose - choose "Spirit West United Church Edmonton AB)
- hit the "Choose this cause" button
- make your donation as you wish, following the instructions.