The scripture readings are:
- Isaiah 9: 2, 6-7
- Luke 1: 26-38, 46-55
CONGREGATIONAL MEETING – Sun, Dec 8 – we will hold a special congregational meeting after worship on Sunday, Dec 8 to inform the congregation about the progress on selling a portion of our land. We invite questions, comments and discussion. We hope that all of you can attend to discuss this next phase of our church life.
CRAFT and BAKE SALE – the Ladies Group will be holding a Craft and Bake Sale on Dec. 1 from 1-3pm. Lots of baking and crafts so come do some of your Christmas chopping! We will have a kids’ craft table where, for a $1.00, they can make their own craft! Bring your friends and spread the word!
CHOIR CHRISTMAS CONCERT - Your Spirit West Choir is excited to announce the annual Christmas concert will take place on Sunday, Dec. 8 at 6:30. Voice, piano, flute and harp will be featured in Lloyd Larson’s cantata entitled MORNING STAR, which celebrates the everlasting light of Christmas. Donations received will be directed to the sound system fund.
LADIES’ GROUP CHRISTMAS PARTY will be held on Sat, Dec 14 at 5:30 pm in the basement. The dinner will cost $20.00per person to be paid that night. All women are welcome - feel free to bring a friend! We will have laughs, games and a wacky gift exchange. For those who want to participate in the gift exchange, bring a wrapped gift with an approximate value of $15.00. Sign up on the sheet at the back or phone or email the office by Dec. 8th.
SOUND SYSTEM - As many of you are already aware, our sound system has been challenging for the last several months. As a result, many new items (cords, cord protectors, microphones, etc) have been purchased. Our previously designated funds for the sound system were, understandably, reallocated to more pressing needs at the time. Now we are asking anyone who is able to consider giving a special donation towards paying the cost of these items and to help us offset any future costs of same. Your donation, large or small, will be appreciated.
- Craft and Bake Sale – Dec 1, 1-3pm
- Bible Study – Wed, Dec 4, 1:30pm – everyone welcome!
- Choir Christmas Concert – Dec 8, 6:30pm
- Ladies Group Christmas Dinner & Gift Exchange – Dec 14, 5:30pm
- White Gift Sunday – Dec 15 – bring an unwrapped item which will be taken to Bissell
LEADERSHIP TEAMS for Dec 1 – Advent 1 - Hope
- Hospitality – Welykochy – Glenna, Rhea, Gail, Ian
- Scripture Reader – Bob H
- Projectionist – Bruce C
- Snow Clearing – Nov 25-Dec 8 – Mike H / Dave S
- Worship Leaders – Rev Lynn Maki
LEADERSHIP TEAMS for Dec 8 – Advent 2 - Peace
- Hospitality – Sather – Ramona, Chris, Colleen, Diane H
- Scripture Reader – Bob H
- Projectionist – Rebecca
- Snow Clearing – Nov 25-Dec 8 – Mike H / Dave S
- Worship Leaders – Rev Dr. Donna Wilson
December 1
First Sunday of Advent
World AIDS Day International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3) National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women
(Dec 6)
• Slave Lake (SM) Pastoral Charge (St. Peter’s Ecumenical Church)
Prayer is important. We know that people face challenges and difficulties and we cannot forget them. Our Prayer Chain continues to be active. If you have a prayer request, please send it to [email protected]. These requests will be shared regularly with the prayer chain and may form part of the Prayers of the People in our Sunday Worship. Please remember to have people removed from the prayer chain if the prayers are no longer needed.
You may have bottles piling up for recycling. You can bring them to the church (or you can call for pick up). If you want to bring your bottles (and any other recyclable beverage containers) in during our office hours and put them directly in the Bottle Shed (by the garage), give us a call, and we can have the shed open for you. All money raised from the return of bottles goes towards paying down the principal and interest on our mortgage.
- PAR - Pre-Authorized Remittance is a direct debit program run by the United Church of Canada. It allows people to support their church through an automatic monthly withdrawal from their bank account. It follows the giver's wishes (give to local, M&S, etc.). If you wish to go on PAR, please the fill out the form on the literature carousel and give the form and a cheque marked “void” to the church office. We will do the rest! If you wish to change your PAR amount, contact the office and we will make the change for you.
- We can accept donations by eTransfer. The contact name for the eTransfer is Spirit West United Church, and the email address is [email protected] . If you include a security question with your eTransfer, please notify Norma at the church office by phone or email of the answer.
- And remember that if you are not on PAR(Pre-Authorized Remittance) or even if you are, you can mail in cheques to the church office (Spirit West United Church, 7003 – 199 St. NW Edmonton, AB T5T 3A8, include your envelope number if you have one.)
- You can drop off your offering/donation in the offering plate just inside the front doors or place it in the mailbox. You can also donate online by checking out the online donation option on our website and click on the Donate tab in the navigation bar.
Facebook: Spirit West United Church and Friends of Spirit West Outreach
Instagram: spiritwestyeg
YouTube: Spirt West United Church, Edmonton
Thank you,
Norma Balcombe
Office Administrator – 9:30am to 2:30pm, Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri
Spirit West United Church
7003 - 199st.NW, Edmonton, AB T5T 3A8
phone: (780) 481-1406
email: [email protected]